April Research-in-Progress Meeting (RiPM) Recap!

Dear CIMI Members,

The April CIMI Research in Progress Meeting (RiPM) has concluded. This meeting featured the works of PhD student, Yiran Shen, from Dr. Cuong Nguyen’s lab. Yiran presented her work titled “Deciphering the Breadth of the Natural Human Response against SARS-CoV-2” in which she detailed the unraveling of genetic factors associated with COVID-19 susceptibility and severity with a focus on the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system. The RiPM fostered a great environment for Yiren to receive feedback and relevant discussions surrounding her work.

We thank everyone that could make it to this month’s meeting, on zoom or in-person. Please note there will not be a May RiPM and we look forward to our next talk with a trainee from the Curtiss Lab!
